Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, all of our teachers are certified.
There are several different ways you can sign your child up. Call us, email us, stop in, or fill out our contact form on the website.
Yes, we offer test prep for the following tests: SAT/PSAT ACT Pre-K and Kindergarten ASVAB Military Entrance ATI TEAS Nursing Exam
Tutoring sessions are always 1-on-1 as we cater and attend to each individual student’s needs.
Yes, with parent consent, we reach out to inform the teacher that we are working with one of his/her students and ask that we all work as a team to help the student succeed. This is optimal in ensuring the most success for a student.
Yes, we can be flexible however, we do fill spots by the hour, so we can work with parents and students to adjust times and days based on the availability of the tutor that is directly working with your child.
Tutoring is $60/hour. Travel fees may be incurred for travel over 20 minutes total to and from the destination. Anything over will be an additional $10 per fifteen minutes. You can save on travel fees by going directly to a center if one is available in your area.
Once the initial contract is signed, you will be able to contact your child’s tutor directly either by phone or email. Usually tutors respond within 1-2 hours of receiving the contact.
Depending on the subject, yes. For example, if your child needs help in a specific subject, we arrange the schedule to fit your child’s needs and ensure we have provided the tutor who specializes in the subject your child has requested help in. Elementary students will have the same tutor for all subjects. For upper level students, tutors vary depending on the subject.

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